

pylleo is written in Python 3.5 and does not currently support prior versions. It is available from the PyPi repository and can be installed using pip:

pip3 install pylleo

It is preferable to use a Python virtual environment, particularly to avoid any problems if you are have multiple Python versions installed.

cd <project path>
virtualenv --python=python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install pylleo

If you have installed pylleo using a virtual environment, be sure to activate that environment before running the pylleo-cal script described in the Calibration documentation.

Loading data

The data must first be downloaded from the datalogger using the Little Leonardo software. pylleo uses the filename for loading the data, so care should be taken to name the files correctly (shown below). While pylleo will automatically try to identiy for the timestamp format used, it is recommended that you follow the ISO 8601 date format without underscores, i.e. YYYYMMDD.

<date>_<tag model>_<tag serial>_<animal_name>_<modification>_suffix.TXT

Below is an example of how the contents of a Little Leonardo data directory should look:

├── 20160418_W190PD3GT_34840_Skinny_2Neutral-Acceleration-X.TXT
├── 20160418_W190PD3GT_34840_Skinny_2Neutral-Acceleration-Y.TXT
├── 20160418_W190PD3GT_34840_Skinny_2Neutral-Acceleration-Z.TXT
├── 20160418_W190PD3GT_34840_Skinny_2Neutral-Depth.TXT
├── 20160418_W190PD3GT_34840_Skinny_2Neutral-Propeller.TXT
└── 20160418_W190PD3GT_34840_Skinny_2Neutral-Temperature.TXT

The code can then be loaded to a pandas dataframe, by first creating a meta-data dictionary (saved as a YAML format file to the data directory), and then loading the data using the created meta-data.

import pylleo

path_dir = './'
meta = pylleo.lleoio.read_meta(path_dir, 'W190PD3GT', 34840)
data = pylleo.lleoio.read_data(meta, path_dir)


The acclerometer and propeller data must be calibrated before being used for analysis. The sections below provide information on how to apply these calibrations. For instructions on how to a calibration file (i.e. cal.yml) or the propeller calibration .csv file, please see the Calibration documentation.

Calibrating accelerometer data

The calibration file cal.yml created during the calibration process is first loaded, and then the coefficents for the fit of the calibration data for each axis is applied to that axis data in the loaded dataframe.

from pylleo import lleocal

# Load calibrate data
cal_dict = yamlord.read_yaml('cal.yml')

# Apply calibration to accelerometer axes and
# save as new columns to the dataframe
data = lleocal.calibrate_acc(data, cal_dict, col_name)

Calibrating propeller data

cal_fname = './speed_calibrations.csv'

# Calibrate propeller measurements to speed m s^-2
data = calibrate_propeller(data_df, cal_fname)

Interpolation of sensor data

The data of sensors that sample at a lower frequency than another sensor (e.g. the accelerometer) can be interpolated using the pandas.DataFrame class method interpolate as shown below.

data.interpolate('linear', inplace=True)